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Segregation and Bill C-83: An Act to amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act and another Act
October 6, 2021
Published by Heather Mason
Are the Structured Intervention Units just another name for segregation?
After fighting for decades to end the use of administrative segregation in federal prisons across Canada, in 2019 it seemed prisoners and prison advocates might have accomplished their goal. However, the celebrations were cut short when they realized that in principle, Bill C-83 purported to end segregation, yet in practice, segregation was simply rebranded --- Back to square zero to establish how the new system has just as negative an impact as the old one.
Bill C-83 replaced the provisions in the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (CCRA) that authorized the use of administrative segregation in federal prisons. These new provisions created the Structured Intervention Units (SIUs), a model "designed" to enhance mental health care and provide programming tailored to individual needs. The goal of these units is to treat the underlying causes of high-risk behaviour, improve correctional outcomes and reduce the number of violent incidents for prisoners who cannot safely stay in the prisoner population.
The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) says prisoners will receive interventions that provide them with the pro-social tools they need to reintegrate into the prison population. However, nothing has changed inside the CSC's federal prisons to equip these prisoners and prevent detrimental effects on their psychological well-being and mental health. Bill C-83 is a step backward for prisoners and prison advocates. It sets a dangerous precedent by using segregation under a new name to hold prisoners for an extended period. The result is that the Correctional Service of Canada will carry on using these segregation cells, enabling them to behave without fear of consequences and exploit the SIUs.
The public needs to be educated on the harmful effects of placing individuals in these units, as it perpetuates a cycle of trauma and violence. Instead of promoting rehabilitation and reintegration into society, SIUs only serve to further isolate and dehumanize prisoners. It is crucial that we advocate for more humane and effective alternatives that prioritize mental health support and rehabilitation over punishment and isolation. Only then can we truly work towards creating a system that promotes healing and positive change.
Would you please write your Members of Parliament and let them know your concerns about how Bill C-83 falsely claims segregation has been eliminated?
For more information about these critical federal prison issues, do not hesitate to contact us at Strength in SISterhood Society.